Friday, February 23, 2007

Drunk driving

I think that there should be a great punishment for drunk driving. There are too many people getting killed by drnuk driver today and not enough is being done to put a stop to this problem. There are people who have been caught multipul times for drunk driving but continue to do so. This tells me that the punishment for drunk driving isn't enough to stop people from committing this crime again. If we look at other countries around the world, they have much stricter laws and punishments for this crime.
By making stricter laws we will save lives and make our roads safer for everyone. Right now are laws are not strong enough if people are still commiting these crimes. As Americans we need to rethink this law so that it is better for Americans as a whole.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

First Group discussion

What are we attemping to do through teaching? To teach kids to become better people and to present knew ideas to our students.

What makes for a good teacher?Being flexible along with being energetic. Passion for your kids and your job. Creates good learning enviriment and community.

Difference between school work and student learning? Teach for kids to understand material and assign work that is challanging but acheivable for the students.

Why do we teach? We teach to incorperate knew ideas to students and also to exspand their old ideas.