Sunday, May 13, 2007

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For my instructional stratigies class we went to Decorah elementry school and worked with fifth graders. They taught us how to use garage band and we taght them how to run I-moive. It was alot of fun working with the students. I feel that as a teacher it is imporant to learn from students while teaching them. I learned alot from my student and felt that she was more knowlegable with the technology than I was. I think that younger people will always be more knowlegeable with technology than elders. This is something that teachers will always be able to learn from their students because technology is always changing

Blog activity

Remember the Titans is a great movie about a school that is dealing with a lot of diversity because for the first time in school history Afrian American students will be taking classes with white students. This movie is about a football team that at first has trouble becoming a team but the coach forces them to learn about each others personality and they learn to get alone. The football team becomes very successful and they also become role models within the school and help the integration process. As a teacher there is going to be alot of diversity within the school and it's important to find and learn about who people are not what they are.

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Mr. Holland's Opus is about a Music writer that becomes a teacher as a fall back job for awhile. Once his wife becomes pregnant it becomes the main support for his family. Mr. Holland becomes very passionate and connected to his job and JFK School and dedicates alot of his time to it. His family begins to wonder if he cares more for his job than his family. This movie is about trying to better the lives of students and the dedication that is associated with it.

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In watching Mr. Clarke I learned that teaching isn't always easy but being persistant and creating rules and a family within the classroom pays off. At first he had trouble connecting to his students that no one originally wanted because they were underachievers in the classroom. Mr. Clarke found each or the students talents and helped them to believe that they could acheive. He found a way to connect to them and so the acheived and became one of the best classes in the district.

Activity Blog

The other day I watched "Good Morning Miss Toliver" which is about a teacher that teaches in Harlem New York. She is a very good teacher that all the parents and students speak very highly of. Some of the things that I noticed about her teaching is that she makes her students feel safe and free within her classroom. Another important thing that she does is that there is no wrong answer in her classroom and doesnt allow her students to feel stupid in anyway. She also eliminates fear of subjects by making learning fun and having fun activities.